Pendargon Magazine

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My Tool Museum is not Conceptually Confused: An Editorial by Gerard Butler

I don't understand what's so confusing about this museum of tools. Tools, yet we set it up to look exactly like a Home Depot. Yes, the sign says Home Depot, but if you look really closely, you'll see, marked tiny, tiny, under it, is "Home Depot, Look-A-Like, really a museum dedicated to tools."

Why is this so hard to understand? I'm tired of people coming up to me and saying, "I want to buy a hammer," and I have to explain to them, "No, you cannot buy that hammer! That hammer built The Coliseum!"

"Well, it has a price listing on it."

That is to enhance the concept of a hardware museum that is dedicated to all sorts of tools.

"Well, I don't understand this," they would say, and then I would very quietly and very calmly, explain the concept again, that this is simply a museum for tools, that looks exactly like a store where you would buy tools.

Every time I say this, they always go, "That's very confusing. I don't follow this."

What's so hard to follow? It looks exactly like a Home Depot. There are even cash registers, but it's not a Home Depot.

"Everybody's dressed up like Home Depot employees, and if you ask them, they say they work for Home Depot."

Right, because they're trained to work for Home Depot. That's why we hired them. And in their contracts, we forbid them from saying they work really in a museum.

Then they would say, "I don't know, this feels conceptually confused."

What's so conceptually confused about it? It's the simplest concept in the world. We have a bunch of tools laid out exactly like a home depot. We have price listings for them. The sign says, "Home Depot," and it looks exactly like a Home Depot, and everybody's dressed up in Home Depot uniforms and then they can not talk about  about how it's a museum, and they can only say they work for Home Depot.

I believe it's everybody else's fault for not really getting this. When you go to a Home Depot look a-like museum dedicated to ancient tools, just remember, it's really a museum.

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