Okay Mehcad Brooks, it's nothing to get worried about. Everybody gets nervous. Just remember, hold your sticks tight. I mean, David Grohl didn't become a great drummer overnight.

No, he practiced. Remember, Mehcad. Just follow along You're doing great. You're doing great, Mehcad. I love you. You're looking so good right now. Just remember, you can do anything. You are a lead? on a hit TV show Well, you're on a hit TV show. Definitely. Nobody will judge you because nobody's here to watch you practice you mastering the drum. Mastering the difficult and delicate art of drumming.

Okay, the changes are coming up. Okay. Just remember, follow the beat. There's no shame in getting this wrong. Nevermind was a big album. You're not there yet. That's okay. You're Mehcad Brooks. One-two-three, one-two-three, one-two-three, one-two-three. Oh my god, you're getting it Mehcad. You're doing great, Mehcad. Mehcad, look. You'll be the greatest drummer ever. Yes yes yes, bam, ha. Oh no. Dang it Mehcad. Dang you Mehcad. You did it again. You've gone through like six drums. Why do you keep hitting them through?

Yes, Whiplash was a fun movie, but you don't need to keep reenacting that scene. The lady at the drum store knows me too well. We're on a first-name basis at this point. You've destroyed so many drums. But I have to keep practicing. I mean, I've got a lot of free time. Mehcad Brooks, drummer extraordinaire. She's calling me Mehde now. The drum store lady. She seems nice. I don't know. Next week we move on to YYZ. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to get that one on one. Neil Peart will not be able to get past me soon.

Yeah. Right on, Mehcad. One look to the mirror to assure yourself that you're doing fine. There's that handsome face. Oh yeah. Wink. Okay, time to go to Drums, Drums, and Drums, and talk to Marge. Call me Mehdge She's really nice, though. She once met Neil Peart. I mean, at least once claims that she met Neil Pert, I don't know. I don't know. That seems really hard to believe. I mean every drum store owner claims to have met Neil Pert, so whatever. All right. Onward, and upward.