Their is this thing called My Little Pony and it will blow your mind! don't worry figuratively

My Little Pony look a these ponies 

I was search around the internet like I want to do, and I came upon this little thing that I had never even heard of before and it was a truly shocking thing. It was apparently this very popular television/toy franchise called My Little Pony. Now, I have to say, in my life I have seen some amazingly things, but to think I just never thought I would see a show where instead as of in real life, ponies inexplicably go crazy on that farm that you worked in the summer after high school, and your Olympic dreams were dashed, and Clint Cola in the water made them go crazy and start attacking the people at that dude ranch.

My Little Pony fim friendship is magic applejack 

Oh the blood, the horrific blood I saw, and instead of that, it's just a fun story about ponies being friends with each other. Blew my mind. These far off concepts, I truly love them. The show seems to be about this one purple pony who just wants to be friends with people, which is just beautiful, it's just beautiful. I mean, the only purple pony I ever saw was the one that invaded my nightmares called the dead dimond pony, that comes from land of wind and shadows that eats ghosts  who I tangled with for that horrible, terrible week. As I desperately scrounged in the mud, hearing the blood curdling screams of that dude ranch, as it all went to madness and I just repeated to myself, "I am going to be okay, I'm going to be fine. When these kill everyone, but I need to live. I need to live."

my little pony rainbow dash 

She goes to this town where there's a bunch of other ponies and it's sweet. It's sweet. It's just great. And they don't even bring up the concept of to save some poor innocent soul, you had to fight a mad blood thirsty pony and you just have to keep hitting it, and hitting it, and hitting it until it goes down and it didn't go down for a long time. Almost nobody survived that day. I was lucky. I was just so exciting, and the show is real funny and sweet and it's just what I call a good time for people of all ages.

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