Shifty-eyed doctor declares that memory loss is common for men.
Notorious shifty-eyed doctor who is seen repeatedly sweating and acting nervous and saying, "It's totally common for men to experience sudden bouts of memory loss!" "There's nothing weird about it," said the doctor, who coincidentally, was accused several days ago of massive improprieties, a.k.a. being shitty to women, like a lot of men. Matt Lauer. He was being a total Matt Lauer. Shit-head, Matt Lauer.
He then declared that he's totally blameless and he should win a Nobel Peace Prize, like all of them. Like he's the best. Nobody better than him, not even Matt Lauer, that worthless sack of shit, Matt Lauer. That awful human being, Matt Lauer. Better than anybody. The best, he also declared, as opposed to Matt Lauer.
The doctor has now been arrested, running naked through a busy intersection. Fuck Matt Lauer.