The Houston Zoo
The Houston Zoo
This Tiger is nothing, A Salieri to the Mozarts in the zoo.
The Houston Zoo. In many ways a standard zoo - you’ve got your traditional lions and tigers and an elephant or two – boring animals that could only remind you of the dull tedious majesty of nature, with all the poetry in every movement they make. As with most things in Houston, there is a secret side to it, a hip, cool side; there is the unknown zoo. The unknown zoo, a location hidden by a seemingly random door in the zoo contains what many have described as unknown beauties – unknown beauties beyond even human definition. To enter the unknown zoo of Houston there are two known steps. One, be a famous celebrity of some sort, a world conqueror, or a possible reincarnation of a Buddha. Or two, acknowledge the man who has been creeping in your vision ever since you were born – yes, the hooded figure. You know the one. It appeared after you first learned of the concept of death. It shall show you a door hidden as a seemingly normal tree in the Houston park, a door made of beautiful rich gold.