The Illuminati would like to know what Memes are - not because they don't know what they are, but just because they think you could explain it better than they could
The Illuminati would very much like to know what memes are. It's not that the Illuminati doesn't know what memes are, it's just that they're not entirely sure, and they would like to explain it in a way that young people, hip cool millennial on fleet young people, would like to know.
Man, so if you by chance know what a meme is, why don't you just randomly put out the idea? Don't look into it too much. Go up to your Keurig coffee machine and and just explain it fully - you know, just random ideas. Don't look into it or question what that is. It would be like such a help and, you know, don't be surprised if people in your neighborhood start sharing all that 'hip's coolest memes' from the Illuminati sometime soon.