The Tick Review !
Like the twirling universes that are bound in caress as an eclipse forms its solitary duty, The Tick has been returned to the television screens, or more accurately as part of the forefront of the revolution that is the digital screen. Yes Amazon, named after that great river, has brought back The Tick and I have seen it and I wish to review it, to judge it by its pure actions as a long time follower of both its most heroic and just victories. The Tick is back. Yes, I decree it so. The Tick, like Lady Justice, like the sweet column of justice, is good, possibly even great.
All have been perfectly formed in a spandex and plastic shell, and through justice will once again be acquainted to those evil-doers that dare to cross the path of The Tick.
the first Episode of the the tick is here not the amazon one.
My only real criticism is that it is a bit too short. It feels like the story just gets started right when the season ends. like its only half of season.