"Yeah. Yeah," says area woman.
Local area woman, Trisha Alowenia, has declared that, "Yeah. There could be a thing," looking around her room and seeing the collection of failed projects and activities that she was so determined to really get into. She thought to herself, "Yeah. I could do that again. I could play that piano that I bought that I never used once. Yeah. That'd be fun. I'll just get up and use it like a person would, a fun person. I can play the keyboard." She even thought better of herself, of course, because why would she not be the best at this?
Then, of course, she just got up and continued her day on like normal, living her life, her normal life, every once in a while thinking back to those days when she could take time to learn how to play that piano, and not be surrounded by enemy fire, being shot at. If only she hadn't taken up that mercenary position, but damn it. She said this would be the last job, but she has to take on that evil bastard, Scorpio, before he sells his nuclear payload to the world's most dangerous terrorist. And she will succeed, she will.