A look at Paul Ryan's proposed Entourage spin off

We successfully managed through back room deals and and an amount of Pokemon card game wins to acquire from the HBO offices Paul Ryan's proposed Entourage spinoff, Entourage DC. And we are very proud to show you this politically relevant document.

So you know how like Entourage is about what these sweet ass fucking cool dudes in California just living the true bro lifestyle, but you've got to wonder it's like how long can those things go one. Clearly Vinnie Chase's true destiny is not to be a actor but to become a politician. So what I think he should do, and this is like my pitch is like Vinnie, he does movie and he's like, "Movie be pretty cool and all but I want to think bigger." So then he goes like, "You know what? I want to run for senator. A Congressman or whatever like for Congress." And then Turtle goes something freaking sweet and funny and then E does something freaking sweet and funny. And then they go like, "Yeah, let's do that."

So he run and people call him senator. He even got to be senator. He regret being senator. He rings his bomb ass like at the hospital. But he has to ... like most senators they've got to go like go down to the House of Representatives and who does he have to party with all the time to get shit done? Well, I didn't see you know the humble speaker of the house called Ryan. And they go like and then Vinnie and E and Turtle and Donnie go like, "Dude, this Paul Ryan dude, it's pretty cool." And they go like and then I go like, "Yeah, I don't want to be talking myself up for nothing." So they go like, "But dude you're so cool and you have good friends and you should be president." And then I go like, "Sweet man, that's what we should go man." Then those are most episodes. And the series ends with me becoming president and Vinnie Chase becoming my vice president.

Vinnie's going to be like at some point I'm not around becuse I get my head blown up. Then I become a martyr as Lincon but for tax cuts and not for that thing Lincon did. Then you know Vin going to broken up by it but he want show cuse he a badass. Then dram gets to do his own thing. I don't know. So I think it's a good series. so Mr Dowen and Mr Wahlberg and Mr Ellin, please contact me when we can start to make this sweet ass series ready. Oh yeah? Oh yeah. And yeah, HBO was cool to the people. Like they are cool on whether this series ever did get is getting produced but we shall see soon. We shall see soon.

HBO was mum and did not say if this getting produced but we shall see soon.