Hey, come over here! Come over here! I've got the news about casting for Marvel movies.
How's it going buddy? Nice to see you. Haven't seen you in a while. Been busy. Working some long cons. I've got the Watootsie, the Brooklyn Dodgers. I'm even running old fashion Barbados Rex. Anyway, you don't want to hear about that. What do you want to hear about? What do you want to know about? Casting for Marvel movies. Some big time casting news coming up. I've been hearing rumors, got it all coming through the wind stream, right into my ear and buddy, I'm willing to tell you about them.
Now, I know we've been going a little hard on the Marvel. All of us here are fans of Marvel, so forgive us for talking about it too much. I get it, I get it, I get it, I get it, and listen nobody's more important to me than you. I mean, don't worry. You can trust me! I'm an admitted con artist! But let's talk news. Let's talk Marvel news.
Okay, you heard about that old thing with Jude Law. Yeah. Yeah. It's more along the lines of that. I've got it down from up high that there's gonna be several more British actors. Respected ones. Oscar nominated ones that'll pop up in these movies. WHAT?! Okay, okay. Now that I've wet your beak a little bit. You wanna know something? You wanna know a secret character that's about to pop up in these movies? One that we haven't even heard of in a while? And you're gonna be either like "WOW! I can't believe that person's even in this? Who's that person? Oh that's such a cool." Okay.
It's gonna be a character from a comic book series that Marvel produced that hasn't been in a movie yet that's gonna be in the movie! Whoa, right? Blew your mind? Blew my mind too. That's what we call mind-blowers in this place, man. Okay, come on. You wanna know some more? I got some more. I got a whole bunch of more stuff. You wanna hear sweet things I'm talking about.
That's okay. Wait, did you hear that? Of course you didn't hear it because you're reading this, not listening to it, and living my life like I am. Oh boy. Ooh. Yeah, yeah. That sounds like the Barbados Rex. Yep, we've officially hit phase two. Unfortunately I don't have enough time to tell you about the really big casting rumor that's coming out.
Later everybody! Love you, love you, love you, love you.