Pendargon Magazine

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Big giant idiot said something stupid on his favorite website.

Big giant idiot, a big giant idiot today decided he would just comment on an article on one of his favorite websites, a personal website of a film critic that he really enjoys. He just made a fucking ass of himself. What a big giant moron he's being.

This big giant idiot was quoted today as saying, "Oh, I'll just ask him a simple question. It won't come off as insulting or stupid. No, it'll come off as dumb. And I won't come off as an idiot who unnecessarily interfered on his private shit, man, of a deeply personal thing he wrote."

It's me. I'm a big dumb idiot. I just wanted clarification of something but I had to say it in a sarcastic way. I'm a big dumb idiot. I want to hold my head in my hands the entire night. This scene is going to replay a thousand times over. Ugh. Why did I do that?

I'm sorry Nathan Raven. Shit, I'm a moron. I always assume I'm more important than everybody else and I don't know why. I have something of an ego problem, I think.

Anyways, big dumb idiot, out.