Does God hate money? Well, he sure hates me having it.
I spent $80 on a simple statue of Scooby-Doo. It's just a thing I wanted. Sometimes I might work for the government offices and it might seem like an exciting job. Like last week Deborah, she brought in cupcakes and it wasn't even her birthday, or nothing. It was just a thing to do. Then there was the ancient monster that roams the upper hallways, but the cupcakes, the cupcakes were delicious. I'm like, "This is fun." I'm like jazzed and I go like, "You know what I'm going to do? Every day I pass this store, this antique store that's got this authentic Scooby-Doo thing, statue thing."
I'm like Every day I go like, "I want that," and so that day I buy it. Then you know what? I get home. It was 80 bucks, took me back a little bit, but it's fine. You got to splurge, you got to appreciate yourself every once in a while. Then you know what? The gosh darn thing breaks. It breaks right away. 80 bucks down the drain. Think, I could've very well enjoyed a Scooby-Doo statue every morning. I could wake up and then go like, "Wow, there's Scooby-Doo. I'm really appreciative of that." But no, I don't get to and I get to lose $80 that I'm practically going to have to sell one of the trains. It's going to be terrible. I don't know if God hates money, but he sure is not a fan of me having it.