I would like to emphasize that there is no Batman theme week.
Two articles that were scheduled this week, both have to do with Batman, that came one after another, that was not my idea. Scheduling is sometimes hard and you have to just go with what's available at the moment and the two that were available were the Batman stuff. I don't have enough ideas about Batman. We were trying to force some sort of idea in. We were gonna maybe look at why if Batman's cape is haunted, or possessed by an evil cape demon, and maybe that's why it can float the way it does.
That just turned up nothing and DC offices won't call us back. I've personally called them over 80 times in the middle of the night and they were like,
"How did you get this? This is not DC Comics, my name is DC. My name is Dan Conners, stop calling me." I'm like,
"Well, that's just not true." I'm pretty sure Dan Conners is a secret hidden thing that DC Comics uses to try and get people to stop calling them, I don't know. I just want to repeat there will not be a theme week around Batman. Sorry for failing you, or promising you something implicitly that was not delivered.