Bachelor auctions must be based on slave auctions right?
OK, This is clearly is a slave auction, right? Like a play version of it, right? That's what this is, right? Like that's what Bachelor auctions are, right? That's what they have to be, right? I think it would be a lot more obvious if this club were not fighting tooth and nail against all of these lawsuits. Think about it, if like an African American gentleman came up and we tried to buy him, that would be a lot more obvious, right?
I mean the history of this is like, white people at some point wanted in on the "fun" of slave auctions. That must be where this comes from, right? Yes, I am aware that I was presenting this today. See this cannot be ignored anymore. This trivializes slavery in an awful way. It's scary how bad it is when you see it.
Okay, okay, I can see that you guys are not really following me on this. That makes sense. This is one of Atlanta's most private golf courses. Think about it, okay. This is going to be course, but I need to think about it like this, Mr. Bulraged. If your family was still buying slaves this would be the place they would do it, okay? You're giving this look to me that says excuse me, my family never owned slaves. But that's crazy, of course, your family did. They have been in the cotton industry since the 1700's!
Like this is how you would do that, right? Like all of you see this sick mockery of one of the greatest human injustices ever done. Like this is bad, and we feel bad about this. I have to go. Like this is not a good environment for me. I'm going to try and be a better person. I've just got to go.