Corporate review.
So, Corporate is about two junior executives in training named Nick and Jake at Hampton De'Ville, a massive conglomerate corporation run by Christian Hampton, he's like a dragon in human form is the best way to describe him. This is a TV show, comedy, one that I am finding good and enjoyable, very much so.
I've been wondering about the melancholy sitcom a little bit, you know the thing that was everywhere a few years ago, and I like them until I didn't like them. And I've been starting to think about them and this show, this tone is definitely dark in the way that those melancholy sitcoms are, but it finally hit me that it doesn't have a melancholy tone so much as an evil tone. It feels evil. And the main praise that it comes down to an establishment of the tone.
This might be one of the best sound edited sitcoms I've ever heard next to the cinematography and editing, but the sound editing is really stood out for me. Everything from the dropping of the files, to the sound of the almost a villainous game over sound whenever executives appear; is perfect, its almost horrific sounding. I'm a particular fan of course of the opening, which has what sounds like to be a guitar, which is being electrocuted to death playing. All in all it creates a very good, impressive atmosphere to it.
This is definitely a show, which feels post Mr Robot in a lot of ways. It doesn't have the odd framings that Mr Robot often frequenting, but it has a similar feelings to it, and it often emphases its tone through the cinematography alone. Which is oh my gosh a rare treat in comedies, which don't care about cinematography or are pointlessly show off-y, like a few shows I can name, ones that I do not think will be getting a second season/third season anytime soon.
I have wondered a little bit about these types of shows particularly apparent in corporate culture if they are not dated slightly, you know? That's a thing I've been wondering about. All in all, I give the show a very hearty recommend.
Note: watched the first four episodes for review.