It feels like I'm in a mobile strip or something, or a a hamster wheel. Because we're talking about The Last Jedi. We're still here. We haven't moved on. There's still a million link pieces and everybody is obsessed on Twitter over the fucking Last Jedi.
Never has a movie I liked been so irritating for me to think about, but we're here. We do this. I want to give my thoughts about The Last Jedi so I can stop fucking thinking about the goddamn Last Jedi when people bring it up. Let's go through this. And I have a couple of points, or contentions that I want to make, and in no particular order.
First the twist with Rey. It turns out Rey isn't anything. She's a random nobody. I guess people are angry about this, because we want I don't know. We want it to be noted how important it is for bloodlines of certain people to be the only thing. Is that what the story is?
I don't like when fantasy and sci-fi does this. I hate it in fact, when fantasy and sci-fi does this. I don't know why people keep doing this. The blood line thing, is this what, the 15th century and most important thing is the reign of kings? Has the last couple of 100 years like 300, 400 years not taught us, even since Greek antiquity that democracy and the will of the common man is as important as the bloated ego of the elite? The chosen bloodlines? Did you really want Rey to be Luke's daughter? Did you really want Luke to have abandoned his daughter for like 20 years? I thought one of the main complaints was that Luke turned into a sad old man in this movie. We're going to get to that part but did you really want Luke to be a fucking asshole? Did you want it to Obi Wan Kenobi's daughter? How would that even work? He died 20, 30, years ago (I don't know how old Rey is supposed to be) but before any of this stuff even happened. Why is it so important for each hero to be the direct descendant of the last hero? This sieges into my next point.
The casino sequence. This is one of the more controversial ones, the casino sequence. The complaint about this is that it's filler. Think about it. If they cut that out there would be no explanation. If they cut that out they would have had to have just been on the First Order's ship. No wait, they did need to do that. Okay so the casino sequence had a point. It wasn't filler because it was important to bring Benicio del Toro's character on board to this whole thing. They could have cut out that whole part with the New Order attacking the ship. Then there would have been no plot to the movie. Simple, write a new plot to the film. Easy. To the more fuller explanation to this and to play into what I was talking about earlier, wasn't one of the great appeals of Star Wars that Star Wars was a living breathing world that existed outside of the Skywalker family? Wasn't it the fact that there was history and side places and interesting towns and cities that were full of stories in and of themselves part of the appeal?
Guys, you do realize it also sets up the fact that the force lives on right and introduces us to characters like that? The casino sequence, you could start at the end. The casino sequence introduces us to a new Jedi. That's a pretty big important plot point too. The casino sequence, it's a couple of things. It's answers a couple of questions about how they all get the guns. It grays the world a little bit but it makes the world fuller. That was always Star Wars appeal was that the world was full and interesting and full of neat people. I loved it for that. That was great. To a full extent, the casino sequence emphasizes why Rey is an interesting character because she's a person from outside this. The lower rung of the people who are now going to be the heroes of the stories. Why was Luke Skywalker an interesting protagonist? Because, he was a nobody kid from out in the farm lands. I feel the lesson that is always missed from these stories is that the more interesting character is the lower person.
Now that I brought up Luke Skywalker, let's talk about Luke. Okay so this was the hardest one for people to swallow because this is not how this stuff is supposed or your action hero stuff is supposed to go. No, the guy he kills the bad guy, saves the universe. It's done right? He lives a happy life and that's it. What is this movie where Luke is sad and depressed and contemplative and stuff like that? That's not going to be me right? You further go on because you identify as Luke. Angry man watching this movie. I'm not going to grow up to be that. I'm already in my 40's. I watched these movies obsessively as a kid. Star Wars has been with me my whole life. Why is Luke sad? Maybe you don't want to hear this or maybe you do. That's life, man. Here's the thing, you wanted new Star Wars movies with Luke in it, you're going to see a 60 year old man. It's not like there isn't precedent for Jedi doing this. In fact, it seems very unprecedented that many Jedi do this sort of thing. See Jedi, Obi Wan Kenobi, Yoda both left society to contemplate on the nature of the force and the Jedi.
See, the thing about the Jedi is one of the most important aspects of them is that they're warrior monks. They do all the fighting but also, one of the important parts they contemplate. They meditate on the nature of the force and what connects us and the guiding principles of the universe. This is true. This is a thing that monks do. They will leave the world and think on this stuff. Yes, Luke did it bitterly but he wasn't wrong and he didn't betray any Jedi. He left to meditate on the nature of the force. The thing about it is, in the end yeah he sort of dies but he achieves enlightenment so it's a happy ending in a away. Not in a way, it is a happy ending. Luke Skywalker achieves the highest level and exactly what a Jedi hopes for. To become one with the force and achieve contentment. He's an old man who now passes along the wisdom and the knowledge to a younger generation and he removed the issues that the Jedis faced in the past. Luke gets a happy ending. He already got a happy ending it's just not a happy ending that ... It's a happy ending from a different culture's point of view and it's an interesting one. This was the best ending Luke probably wanted.
Many sci-fi and fantasy pertain to include warrior monks who think of deep philosophy but in a way that's meant to valorize more than it is In the end it's all about acquiring the cool powers and stuff. Let's move on to another point. The Jedi. The Last Jedi has cynicism about the nature of the Jedi. We must be living in a new world because I thought one of the main complaints was always fucking stupid. The Jedi were in the prequel trilogy. Did you want them to not acknowledge that? They're not not going to do that. That's always going to be a thing but Star Wars is about Star Wars growing. The Last Jedi is about the world growing and maturing, but not being mad or sad. I don't know the ending kills me. Where the kid uses the force to have a broom. Isn't that one of the single most hopeful endings Star Wars has ever achieved? That the world goes on. That there's great adventures always out there. Isn't that a great ending? Happy endings are only happy because of where they stop. This is the ending Luke needed, not the ending ... He doesn't fight anybody. He achieves everything with peace. He achieves what the Jedi were supposed to have done all along. He becomes a better Jedi and for that he joins the force, finally fully understanding it.
Let's move on to reboots. Why did they even need to reboot it? First, let's move on to another point of contention. The New Order. I don't know if this is a point of contention but I want to complain about it, because I still don't fucking get this. Has the republic fallen again? Because, the new movies are super unclear about this. I don't understand because I think the first movie implied that the resistance in the small controlled space that the New Order was in charge of. I thought that's what the story was, but in The Last Jedi it's now they've taken it all over again? Was there a point where I missed it? It's really confusing and arbitrary and I don't get it. It's not a perfect movie. What are you talking about? Why aren't these movies as good as the originals? Okay, they were never going to be as good as the originals. To you. They were never going to be as good as the originals to you is the fuller statement to that. No matter what happens, you were never going to like them.
But you don't know me. I do. You're most likely saying I totally could have liked them. No, you couldn't have because what you wanted was to feel Star Wars. You wanted to be a kid again experiencing the greatness of Star Wars, and this gets into the problem you have with Luke. You were never going to feel that again. You're an adult now. You can never feel that maybe childlike wonder that you do when you first saw Star Wars because no movie can ever live up to the greatness that you've built up in your head. That childhood experience feeling Star Wars? You're never going to top that with new Star Wars movies because the new Star Wars movies that you want, you've already played a thousand times over in your head. There is no way. You can make them like the original maybe? You're saying, more like the originals? That wouldn't satisfy you because you would have the originals and you'd go I can just watch the originals again. Wasn't that the main complaint of The Force Awakens? That it was pretty much like the original one over again?
You want something different. You got something different and that was The Last Jedi. It was new and original and groundbreaking but you weren't happy with that because it wasn't what you remember and that's the fundamental truth of it. You're never going to be happy with rehashing the past over and over again, because to do this not only do they have to appeal to you but they have to the younger generation. The younger generation wants different things but further than that, the older generation doesn't know what it wants anymore. If any of that makes sense. You are not a kid any more is what I'm trying to say. You are not a child any more. You want new things. You want different things. You're more mature now. You want a more edifying story but you're sticking to the stuff you know. Reboots will never make you happy because they will never satisfy that childlike wonder you have. You're only hope to do that is find original exciting stuff again.
The world would have been better if Disney made a new space opera probably. They used all the lessons of Star Wars but made their own. We lost the right to originality because we don't want it anymore. We want to be reminded of our childhood over and over again and we're never happy because we're not children anymore and we can't recapture that. You have to move past that. You have to live past that. You have to try new things. I'm not saying skydive but for the love of god, please go fucking skydiving. You have to maybe watch different movies, read different things. There's a beautiful great world out there that you could experience. Run out there now to your local cinema and watch something great that you've never seen before. Do something great that you've never seen before because none of this shit matters. Star Wars doesn't matter. Your life will not get better if they make a great Star Wars movie and that's the truth of it. Your fandom is what's getting in the way of you being truly fully happy.
If you live your life for what a giant corporation does for you, you will never achieve happiness. You have signed your rights away to it. Please, for the love of god do something great. See, so that's Star Wars in a nutshell. If you didn't like it, you're free to not like it. You're an adult. You shouldn't have to like everything but I don't know. These are my thoughts on it. You probably have different thoughts and I didn't convince you. I know I didn't convince. You're not reading this now, if you are reading this you've probably discovered by googling stuff. I'm okay. I did it googling stuff and landing on my site. It's a fun site. I'm proud of it but you probably stopped like a quarter of the way through and I'm sorry I didn't entice you. But, I'd like it to be pointed out that I didn't bring up race or sex of the characters in this whole thing. I brought up points why it's good without mentioning that and even though a lot of the criticism is totally predicated around this but I hope you do well. I hope you live a life well but relax. Be happy and calm.