There is a new Rorschach in the D.C. universe. ya!
It what could be only described as the worst motherfucking hack move since the last time Geoff Johns got hold of a character that has a deep association with Alan Moore, he's brought back Rorschach. Yay. Even though that totally invalidates the entirety of Rorschach's story. "But Rorschach was so cool," you say. Fuck you. Fuck you so much. Rorschach's story was finished at the end of it. The only true conceivable characters that would make sense for a spinoff series was Night Owl and Silk Spectre. Fuck you, you goddamned hack. I do not enjoy this, but it sure should be great for D.C.'s bottom line, and that's what's important. You're saying to me, "Don't you understand? This is the way how comic books work." No, fuck you. It's the way how comic books work, but it doesn't have to be the way it works. It still ruins the story. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Geoff Johns is a hack. Fuck you.