Because Donald Trump can look at me and know that there's no way he could ever disappoint me. An editorial from Ronny L. Jackson.
I know there's been a lot of skepticism. My selection to head the Veteran Department of Veteran Affairs to become the United States Secretary of Veteran Affairs. And I just want you to know that I didn't ... that President Trump who's a good boy, who makes some mistakes sometimes but he really tries hard didn't pick me simply pick me for very good reasons.
After all he's been through, he just wants to know that there is a good affectionate role model for him, that he can look out on those cabinet meetings and say: "Yes" and "No." That somebody deeply cares about him and loves him for all that he's worth.
He never really had a strong father figure in his life till now and I'm trying so hard to be that for him. It hurts him and me to hear these words you're saying about him. He'll never grow up to be a good, strong, productive My God, he's only 71 years old. He still has so much to give. I mean don't you, I mean, he's only 71 years old. He still has so he still has a lot of growing up to do. That's an uncomfortable age for a lot of young boys to experience, and I want to be supportive of him in everything that he does. That's why I feel I would be the best Secretary of Veteran Affairs there could be.