From Ronny L. Jackson Listen, Donnie, come here and sit down on the bed next to me.
Listen, Donnie, come here and sit down on the bed next to me. I need to explain something to you and to America in general. I can't be your VA secretary anymore. Please don't cry. I know it's hard to hear, and I wanted to do this for you, but sometimes, and you'll learn this one of these days, when you're big and strong, and in your 80s, that it doesn't always work out, that sometimes grown-ups aren't always the best. They don't always make good decisions, and I made some bad decisions. I saw a bunch of stress out people, and I gave them medicine, and the bad decision I made was that they got to talk to Senate, and I didn't stop it anyway I could think of. I'm sure there was some way, some combination I could yell at them to make them stop, but I just couldn't think of one. I just kept yelling and yelling at them and calling them all the names I could think of, but I couldn't, and I failed you.
I know I failed you, and I know you needed a role model, especially now, and the stress of this made me crash my car while getting drunk, and it was, and I know it was not good of me to waste all that alcohol when I could've drunk it in such a cool place. I mean it would ... I mean, gosh, I mean the work just gets so stressful, and all the other people just keep failing you, and nothing you do makes, and you assume that they'll fix it at some point on their own, but they don't, and you try and try and crack them.
Oh, stop crying. I know. I'm crying too. You needed a real role model, somebody who can teach you right from wrong and be the father you really needed. I just can't do that. I think it's time that you call him, your real father figure. Putin's a good man. He'll take care of you right. He knows how to do it. He's able to run a country all by himself. I can't stay much longer. I just want to say I love you, buddy, and if it wasn't for everybody else, I could've helped you, but it was everybody else's fault and not mine. Gotta go.