Don't panic about Argentina says economists alerting us all to the worry about Argentina
Argentina might be going through something. It has to do with the peso suddenly falling like a crazy 12%, which is bad, but that's Argentina's issue. That's like really bad for them, and not to sound like an unempathetic jerk, but the rest of the world is not going to be hit like this, right?
Most likely not. I mean, there is no way it could happen. We are 100% okay, and the world economy will not descend into a terrible financial crisis like what happened in 2007. Right? No way buddy.
Unless this is like a 1 in 100,000 shot that this is a global trend, and say global investment in what is called emerging market countries is about $1.2 trillion, so that would like be bad if, say, those stopped because like there would be a very complicit snowball thing that I do not fully get how it would happen.
So what I am just trying to say is, don't worry about it though, because investors are well known for claiming decisions that look toward the future and for the needs of the many above their own. Or are they hooked up lemmings? Anyway, they hold your future in their hands.