The Top Horrific Monsters: Only One will be Donald Trump

horrific monster: Donald Trump  

 Number One horrific monster: Donald Trump  

 I said I would do it one time. I wanted to say here that Donald Trump is a horrific monster, but we can't all get what we want. Especially when Mr. Big Brain Editor says "that's lame, I don't want to do that That's the type of first draft joke that you would see at a 101 sketch writing class" So fine,  this entire list won't just be horrific monsters that are Donald Trump secretly. I won't do that; I won't continuously say that  Donald Trump is a  horrific monster and the best horror movie monster can't compare to Donald Trump. I won't say things like that because I'm to quote the editor. Just trying to make an easy joke to get easy points  by pandering to our base  by calling Donald Trump so horrific that he's a monster, one of the hundred most scary monsters of all time. But I'm not gonna do that.

Horrific Monster: Dracula  Donald Trump

 Number Two Horrific Monster: Dracula  

See, on this list of super scary monsters that are just Donald Trump is the Dracula or S - translated the Son of the Dragon. You know who it is - a horrific monster that rode off of his father's success. Guess what, you're never going to guess that this terrific monster is orange and was inexplicably put into a position of power. A horrific monster, maybe the most horrific scary monster, that's right - Dracula when he's wearing orange pants, also Donald Trump. Yeah, don't tell about the mention of Donald Trump being a horrific monster throughout this entire article. He doesn't care. He's too busy fighting his many enemies, real and imagined.


Horrific Monster werewolf  Donald Trump  

 Number Three Horrific Monster: werewolf

So I've written about this before, how I think Donald Trump could be a werewolf. Not really, maybe, but Donald Trump is certainly horrific enough to be a werewolf. I mean how the hell did we let them give him this position anyway? He didn't even win the election.

My  editor  just yelled at me again; said if I want to write for this section of the website and not just the political selection, I got to leave politics out of it for a little while. So I won't even bring up how Donald Trump is a horrific monster. That's the thing I won't mention for a little bit. I will just talk werewolves.

I want this to work out that if you write for this section you get a slightly better parking space. They actually arranged it by alphabetical order and not seniority, so I'm stuck all the way in the P's (for Politics) and that's just ridiculous. So I don't want to be stuck in the P's; I want to get out of them. So werewolves are like monsters full of monster-like things. For a while though initially, the myth came out of a few different things. For one, since they were based on a serial killer, later they somehow they turned to really sexy things I don't totally follow that. Okay, The Brain is gone. That's what we call the editor  around the office. So Donald Trump is pure evil, right? Just look in his eyes. Oh. There is just nothing there. He is some sort of a terrible person, a scary monster of a man, so it's even horrific. Yes, monster is my favorite term to say. Watch this get posted out to the like 3'ocolck in the morning.

Donald Trump is a Horrific Monster Donald Trump is a Horrific Monster Donald Trump is a Horrific Monster Donald Trump is a Horrific Monster Donald Trump is a Horrific Monster Donald Trump is a Horrific Monster Donald Trump is a Horrific Monster Dona…

Number Four Horrific Monster: Let It Be Chaos Donald Trump  

no ones going to read this any way I mean I went to Harvard I can do any thing want. so lets do the maybe not funnest thing ever and yes may beaten this horse to death that I may have done but whatever Donald Trump is a Horrific Monster. He is so such a Horrific Monster That His Tittle should be Horrific Monster Donald Trump.