Idiot artist says, "New sculpture reflects the commercialization of art and asks what is art"
Idiot, moron artist Eric Moore today revealed his new artistic-piece-of-shit-whatever-who-gives-a-crap thing that he went on to comment. It says, "It's really an indictment of the commercialization of art." This goddamn moron who kept talking for like 30 freaking minutes about this thing, unaware that this freaking idiot's ideas have been discussed by millions of other freaking idiots throughout the artistic community, because, whoa, has not the past 20 years of art in some way been about this idea? And has nobody given a shit yet, besides other artists and pretentious art critics who then assign the art a value and cause commercialization to continue on?
"Boy, you idiot! You idiot," I said out loud during his talk. "What the hell do you even think you're doing? You goddamn moron. You don't know anything, 'cause you're an idiot. You're an unoriginal hack, who's like every other unoriginal hack artist in the world. Why do you think art is totally culturally irrelevant? It's because all artists care about nowadays are what other artist's art meta-narratives about art use, idiot!"
Then you know what he said to me? He said, "Sean, wake up. You're in a delusional dream state. You're still in the jungle lost, and you're starving to death."
I'm like, "You moron. Your art is flawed and uninteresting!"
He's like, "Snakebite. Snakebite. Snakebite." He just kept biting my arm.
What an idiot.