Meghan Markle, she's walking down the aisle
There goes Meghan Markle, she's walking down the aisle. She looks stunning in her traditional American dress, that's just white instead of the traditional English style. English brides have to roll down the aisle in a metal box and it takes many hours to get to the front, and then the husband is given a welding torch, and he must open the box with the torch. Markle, of course, decided to toss out hundreds of years of tradition and do the American thing and just wear a dress and not do the traditional English thing where they receive a fun little burn on their face from the hot flames that their husband must use to open the box. Of course, they feel the heat on their face because they often pass out and their father is expected to drag the box the rest of the way.
As we all know by now, Meghan's father, Thomas Markle, could not make it because being American, the press tried to kill him with stress. So Prince Charles would have had to drag her but now they're doing this whole thing where she just walks, which is very American and very brash. And thinking back to the queen, it was a very famous scene when Elizabeth was one of the first women in over 300 years to have not passed out and went through the entire wedding with a bloody nose because she had kept trying to bang on the metal box when she was in it rolling down the aisle. But of course, the bloody nose became a popular thing in England for many years during the 50's until they had to declare a national health emergency because of all the blood.