Soyuz 2 is so great, don't even need to go to space.
So me think space just come to it. Russia's rocket, the Soyuz 2 went into ocean today, but that okay. Didn't make any mistakes. In fact, it was right, as it should be. It's such a good rocket, it go to bottom of the ocean, and space will come to it, because that's how good it is. No need to worry. It's so good.
But whatever. We are onto a new rocket now: Soyuz 5. It's sweet as hell. It better than rocket, that's the best rocket ever made, and ever will be. It better than everything. Space will eat itself to get to awesome rocket. Long live the great Mother Russia! We are the best in the world. The best space program, better than all the other space programs. Bah!