Shock and awe. Tony Stark will be returning as Iron Man. That's the type of headline you wanted, right Marvel?

Shock and awe. Tony Stark will be returning as Iron Man. That's the type of headline you wanted, right Marvel? There, I gave it to you. Get this freaking thing. That really stupid comic book, Civil War II,  dragged on for two years and caused Marvel's comic sales to drop like freaking crazy. In the end, they killed Tony Stark, because they didn't kill Tony Stark, they just put him in a coma. What bullshit. What bull honky was that? That's total bull honky. Do you know what that means? It was just enough time to create mystery.

Then those freaking idiots will just go, oh my God I got to buy this new comic book because he's come back to life. That's never happened before. Characters from comic books don't ever freaking come back to life. Then I'll go, what are you a frigging idiot? Then they'll go, what are you talking about? I'm like, whatever, you freaking morons. You're just a bunch of freaking morons, that's all you are. Anyways, go whatever. Brian Michael Bendis is going to be writing it and he's freaking done. He's going off to DC. Another wheel keeps on turning like the wheel in the sky, which keeps on turning.