Bad engine that doesn't work, not reason for Anthem delay, says EA's Blake Jorgensen.

Blake Jorgensen who looks a lot like if Captain Ahab got a shave and a haircut and was wearing a nicer shirt was stammering around the offices yelling out frequently, "Anthem is not delayed because of frostbite" he said randomly to reporter who was not there to cover that, and who was just meeting a friend for dinner.


"I don't know what they're talking about, I don't know what they're talking about, the frostbite engine is the most powerful, most adaptable engine on the face of the earth. And there has never, ever been a problem " it was then that he took out a cigarette, smoked it. As the smoke went in, he could feel his body erupt in pleasure for just a second. then he let out the smoke directly in this reporter's face, "Show me any evidence that the frostbite engine is difficult for RPG. Show me. Show me and I'll show you the stupid idiot moron who's stupid. Now get out of here!" he said unaware that he was in a parking lot outside of EAs Headquarters. Looked around for a second then walked back into the office.