Transformers movie series will transform into a new movie series.
Ha! Nailed it! So, Hasbro announced today that after the Bumblebee movie, they're rebooting the Transformer series into something new and, nothing new will come out 'til 2021, which You know whatever, I don't care. What's more important is to reflect on how much I nailed that headline.
Think about it........ Transformers and transform, they're both correct words. And I used two different meanings of them. It's what you call being a fucking great journalist. I honestly, and I'm just so glad I could share this great moment with everybody where I truly, truly came into my own as a real member of the fourth estate here with all of you. Nailing my awesome headline about the reboot of Transformers films. Thank you. Thank you everyone.
I promised myself I wouldn't cry but, screw it I'm doing it anyways. It's just so wonderful to know that you finally made it. I gotta go, thanks.