Well it was fun to learn about our family's history says DeAngelo Family
Family members of accused serial killer Joseph James DeAngelo admit that although horrified and terrified to learn that one of their family members might be one of the worst serial killers in modern American history, many of them have expressed gratitude to the FBI for really doing the leg work in building out their family tree history.
Alexandria DeAngelo, a distant cousin of DeAngelo's, admitted that although it is horrifying to learn that she's related to a serial killer, it's also pretty interesting to learn about the struggles her great-great descendants went through in the 1800s, saying that it really makes her appreciate American history and at times makes her have a great desire to have her tubes tied so as not to propagate that evil DNA further out than it already has been.
Many of the DeAngelo members went on to thank the FBI for doing the expensive and time-consuming research that none of them would probably have had time to do. Many of them went home later that night and took a deep look in the mirror and said, "Could I be capable of such evil?" No one answered them back.