The top nicknames in the world, in no order: a list by Gerard Butler
Number one: Ace. You hear a man called Ace, you know that man is not a man to be messed with. Don't mess with my bro-heem's.
Number two: Snake Eyes. Man, you see a man and he's called Snake Eyes, you know that mother F'er could kill you with his bare hands.
That brings me to number three, with my amigo's: Emily. Bro, you think Emily's a bad nickname? Man, you clearly don't understand, man. You see some dude, and he walks up to you, and he tells you his nickname is Emily, you've gotta be like, "Dude, this guy's so badass, man, that he ain't afraid of being called Emily. This dude must get in some shit, man, and he still is unafraid to be called Emily? Most excellent my man." Most excellent.
Number four: Killer Cobra. That's right. That's right, you know this dude. Well, it's similar to Snake Eyes, in that he has all the powers of the snake, but this time it's very specifically a Cobra, and not a snake. So, there's that. Right on, my man. Right on.
Number five: Man, you don't want to even mess with a guy, I can't tell you what this nickname is. I met a guy whose nickname this is, and this bro, this bro-bro, my bro's, my brother-heem's. This guys was fucking, just mental, man. He's just mental. He was the most dangerous SOB I ever met, man. He actually made me really scared. He made me really scared. When I met him, he followed me to my house, and dragged me out in the middle of the night, and beat me, man. I had to, you know, I had to change my name five times, but man, he always tracked me down, man. He always tracked me down, because he was so badass, that he would track you down, no matter what. I'm legit terrified for my life, man. But, his nickname was so cool, I've just can't tell it to you. A ...Oh no! He found me again.
.... To Be Continued