I'm sorry I didn't fix global warming by shooting it in the face. An apology by Gerard Butler.

Gerard Butler is sorry. When Gerard Butler was filming the film GeoStorm he assumed it would be easy to simply shoot global warming in the face and that would be it. Global warming solved. Gerard Butler, international hero, gets made king of the world. Gerard Butler now knows you can't just simply shoot global warming in the face. I would often go around the set of the film Geo Storm and shoot the ground numerous times. The director Dean Devon would be like,

 "Gerard baby, hotchi motchi, what's going on? Stop shooting up the floor to our set, baby."

And I'd be like, "Dean Devlon, you do not understand, Gerard Butler feels deeply passionate about the environment and thus needs to shoot global warming to make it stop happening."

"Baby I love it, I love it. You know I do, you know I do. I love this passion you're bringing to the character of something or other. You know, he has some name. I wrote the film, I think. But you got to save it for the scenes baby. I don't even got the camera on."

Gerard Butler will focus on both, so during what I assume must be your fortnightly screening of the greatest film ever made this year or any year, GeoStorm, really look at my face and know that I sadly failed you as an actor and as a global warming fighter.