Adventures in the Pirate Continent: Episode 6 - A Place of Magic and Wonder!
"Welcome to the center of the pirate continent, Port Allesandro, a place of magic and wonder," said Jay. Dylan was in shock. The place felt old. Very old. Suspiciously old. Then she eyed a girl walking seven tigers.
She thought, “Why is she walking seven tigers? Oh, my god! Why is she walking seven tigers? Are they about to eat her? No. Oh, my god. That's her job. She's the equivalent of a dog walker. Oh, my god, Jay."
He was saying something. Jay was, indeed, saying something. He was going on and on. On and on. "I'm still not entirely sure what's going on here. I should really pay attention,” Dylan thought.
"And that's when Glenn Miller declared ...," said Jay.
"Oh, my god, he brought up Glenn Miller. Why did he bring up Glenn Miller? Oh, my god. You're so stupid. This is why you keep failing things; because you don't pay attention. Now, now, don't say that, Dylan. Don't say that. You have your own sort of intelligence.” Dylan continued to think.
"So you're fine if I leave you here for a minute?” said Jay.
"What?" said Dylan.
"I just have to go to a college. I have to go to a college. You're fine if I just leave ...," said Jay.
"Wait. What? Why? Why?" said Dylan.
"Got to go to my college," said Jay.
"Wait, your college? What's going on?" said Dylan. And just like that, Jay was gone.
the funeral home once agian was full of bullets
"You guys thought I was dead?" said Dylan.
The set really was quite beautiful, and as Dylan ran through it
Who’s familiar with West Coast Jazz?
didn't live in what you would call a traditional apartment building.
The continent itself is a pirate
"Well, I hope you don't assume I'm coming along," said Dylan.
The sharks surrounded Eliza and Dylan.
Dylan and Eliza ran as fast they could from the violent angry Vikings.
They're goanna do worse. They're goanna kill you, right?
"were back" Welcome to the center of the pirate continent, Port Allesandro a place of magic and wonder.
Dylan quietly dangled her arms over the ship
The sea monster looked like a whale and a shark had had a baby
Dylan looked out at the endless ocean and came to a very important decision
She ran screaming past Dylan’s cabin
Oh, Eliza and Jay go way back